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Many people wonder: the new Coronavirus – what is it? Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common both in animals and humans. The 2019 Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is the virus that causes the outbreak of the respiratory disease, and it was first discovered in Wuhan, China.

According to some reports, in the early stages of virus spreading, some people connected to the outbreak in Wuhan, China, visited a large seafood and animal market, which suggests that the virus spreads from person to person. The Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization are working to prevent occurrence and spread of this virus in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Symptoms and signs of the disease:

  • fever;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • cough;
  • pneumonia;
  • dyspnea.

In case of progression, the patient may develop very serious complications that can lead to death:

  • pulmonary failure,
  • renal failure.

How does Coronavirus get transmitted from person to person?

2019-nCoV is thought to be transmitted the same way as previous Coronaviruses and influenza:

  • through a direct contact with a sick person;
  • during sneezing or coughing;
  • through a contact with personal items and food utensils of a sick person.

Is there a treatment for 2019-nCoV?

To date, there is no specific treatment. In the countries where Coronavirus cases have been reported, only symptomatic treatment is provided. The vaccine has not yet been found.

How can you protect yourself from new Coronavirus 2019-NCOV?

  • Avoid contact with sick people and their personal things as much as possible. If close contact is inevitable, wear a mask.
  • Maintain proper hand hygiene. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water and use hand sanitizers (antiseptics), especially after coughing, sneezing, or using a bathroom, before handling or preparing food, and after contact with sick people or their personal belongings.
  • During coughing or sneezing, use paper napkins to cover your mouth and nose, and then dispose of them and wash your hands thoroughly. If you don’t have napkins, avoid touching or using the palm of your hand: use your elbow to cover your nose and mouth while sneezing.
  • Wear a mask in crowded places.
  • Stick to good personal hygiene habits in general.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and face as much as possible.
  • Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before eating them.
  • A balanced diet, physical education, and a full eight-hour sleep will help you to keep your body’s immune system strong.


Despite the fact that people have been using the beneficial properties of radon water for a very long time, it was only in the middle of the last century that they learned to enrich water and other therapeutic environments with radon. And at the same time they began to study the effect of radon on the human body.

Radon affects human body in various ways and benefits almost every cell and organ. Radon water can be used in treatment of many diseases. The main beneficial properties of radon water are the following:

  • calming;
  • pain relief;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • restoration of muscles, nerve and bone tissues;
  • stress relief;
  • sleep improvement;
  • pronounced analgesic effect;
  • treatment of allergic reactions and certain skin diseases;
  • speeds up progression of anti-inflammatory processes;
  • accelerates regeneration of nerve fibers.

Radon baths are very popular among the guests of our resort. In 2017, after a lot of researches, a pump room with radon drinking water was opened. Today, it is the only certified source of radon drinking water in Shchuchinsko-Burabay resort area.

To achieve various therapeutic effects, the water is heated to different temperatures. They distinguish the following regimes:

  1. Cold mineral water – the temperature up to 18⁰С
  2. Warm mineral water – the temperature between 18⁰С and 35⁰С
  3. Hot mineral water – the temperature above 35⁰С

Each regime changes the quality of radon and it produces a maximum effect on a certain disease. Our highly qualified therapists will help you to choose the right drinking regime. And here is the good news: radon therapy is included in the price of the trip voucher.

We are looking forward to seeing you in our resort!

You can book a room through our official website or by calling us at + 7-71636-78101 + 7-702-059-20-20



Apart from quality composition, it is very important to adhere to proper eating habits which are, basically, driven by hunger, but sometimes a person tends to overeat. It has become a real curse for the modern society. But today people get to learn the importance of a balanced diet: aside from being guided by appetite, we also need to follow some rules:

It is necessary to be consistent when it comes to eating habits: eat at the same time every day. If you do so, the body produces a conditioned reflex and by the time you are ready to eat, saliva and gastric acid are produced, which ensures better food digestion;

Splitting meals. Scientists have proven that having just two meals a day is dangerous for health. It is best to eat 3-4 times a day, but in smaller portions. Sometimes it’s useful to add a few more meals without increasing the total daily intake of food; breakfast, lunch, and dinner should be balanced in terms of their nutritional value. It is critical that for every meal you select the products that provide the body with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins in a balanced proportion;

It is necessary to choose the right time for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and distribute the amount of food properly. They recommend waiting 4 to 6 hours between main meals, and have dinner at least 2 to 3 hours before going to bed. The largest amount of food should be eaten at lunch time; the second big meal is breakfast, while dinner should be the lightest meal of the day.

We hope that our tips will help you to eat right!



Everyone knows that food is indispensable to sustain life and health.

What are the functions of food?

It provides human body with energy and, therefore, the principles of balanced nutrition should be based on person’s energy expenditure. The consumed food is supposed to restore the energy, pure and simple. Otherwise the excess will be deposited in the body in the form of fat.

With food, our body receives substances that it later uses to build cells. The most essential ones are the proteins. And then there are minerals, fats and carbohydrates that are important too.

Another nutritional function of food is to supply the body with vitamins that are essential for production of certain enzymes and hormones.

The scientists also came to the conclusion that the immune system depends on nutrition as well. What a person eats, directly affects the body’s defenses and its ability to fight illnesses.

The principles of balanced nutrition must also include knowledge about the quality of food composition. To ensure life-sustaining activity, it is necessary that all the nutrients enter the body in certain proportions. On average, for a healthy person engaged in mental work, the following ratio is recommended: one part proteins, one part fats and four parts of carbohydrates. It is also recommended that a person takes vitamins and minerals with food.

The main purpose of food is to promote growth and proper development of a person, improve health and contribute to prevention of diseases. It should match our energy expenditure and have gender- and age-specific nutrient content. That’s the basics of a balanced nutrition. Every person – if he wants to enjoy his health – should adhere to such nutrition!



Christmas is the brightest holiday among all. On this day, the team of “Okzhetpes” health and wellness complex wants to wish you well-being and fulfillment of all your dreams. Believe in miracles, stay healthy and be happy!

May the future bring an understanding of the meaning of life and happiness! May the past come only with bright memories, and the present be cheerful and successful!

Merry Christmas!



Would you like to relax in the great outdoors with benefits for your body?

Well, get ready, because it is time to go to “Okzhetpes” health and wellness complex! Hiking, magnificent views, massages and wellness treatment will bring you back to life and get you recharged.

A relaxing stay at the resort is a great opportunity to restore strength after a stressful work week. As a rule, health resorts become a destination for those who want to improve their health. But medical consultations and wellness treatments do benefit people even if they don’t have any chronic illnesses. Treatment at the resort not only restores health, but also contributes to disease prevention.

Doctors always say that constant stress, mental and physical overwork can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome. So, instead of making the situation worse, take a break and relax, and do it the right way.

By the way, visiting a health resort is also an excellent opportunity to develop good habits, such as going to bed at the same time every day, having a nutritious breakfast, eating healthy food and trying new kinds of sports. You will have much more energy after such a vacation compared to a vacation spent partying and bar hopping.



The team of JSC “Ok-Zhetpes” health and wellness complex wishes all the people of Kazakhstan a Happy New Year!

New Year is always associated with magic and we believe that all our wishes will come true in the new year. This holiday gives people hope and faith, brings joy and happiness, kindness and love.

May the New Year bring positive and friendly people into your life! We wish you good health and longevity, and pleasant emotions! Share happiness and give smiles to people around you, and just enjoy every single day. May your home be filled with joy regardless of the day of the week! And may this upcoming year become special and magical for you!


Антигравитациялық кереует

«Оқжетпес»ЕСК» АҚ бұрын адамдардың көпшілігі  бастан кешпеген  жаңа сезімдерді ұсынады, Zerobody деп аталатын антигравитациялық кереует, ол  эндорфинді шығары  және адамды бақытты ету үшін жасалған. Мұндай керуетте жатып, сіз өзіңізді жеңіл сезініп және стрестен құтыла аласыз.

Zerobody –  бұл сізді жүзу сезіміне батырып, бірақ құрғақ күйде болатын, жылы су матрасы бар керует.  Сезім шынымен жеңілдікке өте жақын.  Zerobody-да жату психологиялық денсаулық үшін пайдалы. Сонымен қатар, құлаққаптағы арнайы тыныштандыратын аудиожазбаларды тыңдай отырып, ең үлкен рақаттандырғыш әсерге қол жеткізіледі.

Дене антигравитациялық кереуетте болғанда, ол гравитациялық құрылымды ұстамай, өз температурасын реттейді. Бұл ағзаға оңай эндорфинді босатуға және ешқандай дәрісіз эйфория сезімін сезінуге мүмкіндік береді.


Толық ақпаратты келесі телефон   арқылы ала аласыз:+7 (71636) 78 – 101+7 (702) 059 20 20.


Шаңғы серуендер және қарлы төбешік денсаулықты нығайтудың тамаша тәсілі!

«Оқжетпес»ЕСК  барлық қонақтарына шаңғы серуені және қар төбешігін  дайындады!

Жеңіл аяз, Бурабайдың қысқы әдемі табиғаты, тамаша спорт үшін тамаша уақыт-шаңғымен жүру және төбешіктен сырғанау.

Шаңғы серуені-  бұл қысқы айлардан ләззат алудың қызықты тәсілі, таза ауа ағзаны оттегімен қанықтыра отырып, өкпеге белсенді жұмыс істеуге мүмкіндік береді. Сонымен қатар, шаңғымен жүру, нысанды қолдауға көмек береді, жүрек қантамыр жүйесін нығайтады, сүйек буынын жұмыс күйінде, жандандырады, қан ағымын белсендіреді, бұлшықеттердің барлық топтары қосылады, осылайша жалпы ағзаға оң әсер етеді.

Итерме тәрізді және жылжымалы қозғалыстар арқылы тірек-қимыл жүйесіне ерекше рөл бөлінеді. Кішкентай балаларға бұл сүйек қаңқасын дамытуға және үйлестіруге көмектеседі, жас және орта жастағы бұл артроздың және буындардың басқа да ауруларының алдын алу болып табылады. Егде жаста бұл скелетті қозғалмалы жағдайда ұстауға, сүйектердің жас ауруларымен және олардың нәзік ауруларымен күресуге көмектеседі. Иммундық жүйеге әсер етеді, оны айтарлықтай нығайтады.

Қар төбешігі-ежелгі заманнан бізге келген дәстүрлі ермек. Төбешіктен сырғанау тек қызықты ғана емес және пайдалы. Әсіресе балалар үшін.  Бұл жаттығу батылдықты, ептілікті, орнықтылықты талап етеді. Отбасымен бірге төбешіктен сырғанау –  балалар мен ересектерде қанша жағымды эмоциялар туғызады.

Толық ақпаратты келесі телефон   арқылы ала аласыз:+7 (71636)78 – 101+7 702 059 20 20.


«Оқжетпес» ЕСК» АҚ –ғы Жаңа жылдық «RED PARTY»

«Оқжетпес» ЕСК» АҚ — арманды жүзеге асыру үшін ең жақсы орын! Жаңа жыл түнінде  сиқырлы және талғампаз  атмосферада  болуды  ұсынамыз.

Сіздерді Қазақстан эстрадасының танымал жұлдыздарымен әсерлі шоу-бағдарламалар, көңілді ойындар мен байқаулар, балалар аниматорлары, тосынсыйлар мен мерекелік дастархан күтуде.

Жаңа жыл барлық мереке қонақтарын өзінің қайталанбастығымен, кемелділігімен, әдемілігімен және тек жарық және жарқын эмоцияларымен қуантады. Қызыл түспен бәрі одан да керемет болады! Дресс- коды құпталады!

Бізде Жаңа жылда соңғы нөмірлер қалғанын хабарлағымыз келеді! Өзіңізге нөмір брондауға әлі де үлгересіз, жаңа жылдық түнді ерекше өткізгісі келетіндер үшін біз   мерекелік пакеттер дайындадық!

Нөмірді қалай брондауға болатыны туралы толық ақпаратты келесі телефон   арқылы ала аласыз: +7 (71636)78 – 101, +7 702 059 20 20.

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