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Fitness room equipment in “Okzhetpes” health and wellness complex

Fitness is not only about beauty and fashion: health is above it all! And that is exactly why “Okzhetpes” health and wellness complex has an equipped fitness room for a comfortable workout all year round.

The gym has the following equipment:

  • Treadmills;
  • Power Plates;
  • Exercise bike;
  • The simulator for traction of the upper block;
  • Quadriceps exercising machine;
  • Sports equipment (fit balls, hoops, step platform, dumbbells, barbells, etc.).


Walking is often called the queen of exercises. First of all, it is the least traumatic kind of physical activity and there are no contraindications to it. Secondly, walking can be practiced at any age. And, finally, nothing is required for walking except your wish to walk. You can walk around the city, on the stairs, in the park and even in the apartment.

In “Okzhetpes” health and wellness complex, there are terrenkurs of various lengths in the open air; and if the weather is not good, you can use a treadmill. The duration and intensity of this type of exercise is prescribed by the doctor.

Power Plates

Power Plate is new generation premium-class equipment that is highly effective, universal and safe for integrated training of the whole body. You can use almost 100% of the muscle fibers during training, thus accelerating the metabolic processes in the body. Its platform sends the energy impulses throughout the body, which contributes to a frequent muscle contraction (25-50 times per second). To compare, 15 minutes of training with a minimum load on a Power Plate equals 1 hour of intensive training on the conventional simulators.

Stationary bike

Exercising on a stationary bike offers an excellent general workout for your body. It brings the following results:

  • an increase of volume of the lungs, a healing effect for respiratory system,
  • general strengthening of the cardiovascular system, training of blood vessels and heart;
  • strengthening the immune system, developing endurance;
  • body shape correction.

Stationary bikes help to prevent cardiovascular disease, which is one of the most common causes of death at early age. Correct, regular exercises also produce a beneficial effect on blood pressure; they prevent hypertension, thromboembolism, heart attack, etc.

Moreover, the level of physical training of your body increases resistance to infectious diseases.

Upper Block Traction simulator

This simulator is used to train the back, especially the broadest muscle of back. This is an auxiliary breathing muscle that helps to expand chest during breathing, and helps your arms and shoulders to work under load such as swimming. Apart from that, powered muscles of the back contribute to a beautiful posture, properly curved spine, fewer headaches and many more benefits for health, body shape and beauty.

Before using the simulator, read the instructions explaining how to perform the exercises to avoid any micro trauma. And do not get carried away by using a lot of weight.

Quadriceps simulator

The quadriceps muscle of thigh – quadriceps – is one of the largest in the human body. It occupies the entire front part of the thigh. The main function of quadriceps is knee extension and, partially, hip extension. This muscle supports the joints and ligaments in the legs throughout the day, so it is necessary to train with low weight, especially during rehabilitation after leg fractures. This allows the muscle to regain its strength and elasticity. The key to such training is to use light weight. Otherwise you may hurt yourself.

Sports equipment

An exercise ball is a special ball designed to perform a large number of physical exercises. It was originally developed by a Swiss physiotherapist for people with back problems. An exercise ball helped to strengthen back muscles, recover from injuries and surgeries, and improve posture. Today, it is used everywhere – in fitness centers and during home workouts.

A fitness room in “Okzhetpes” health and wellness complex is also equipped with dumbbells, barbells, hoops and other standard pieces of sports equipment.



Turkish bath – hamam

The history of hamam dates back centuries and begins with the Roman hot baths. It was a bath with a lot of steam, and the air temperature varied between 35 and 50 degrees C. What characterizes the Turkish bath is its high humidity: the steam usually brings the humidity level up to 100%, which creates a mild microclimate in the bathhouse. Instead of the wooden plank beds, for hamam they use marble slabs. The slabs get heated by the steam and gently transfer the accumulated heat to the body, softly and deeply warming it through. That’s why hamam is very beneficial, especially for women.

What are the benefits of the Turkish bath?

In many ways, the Turkish bath is much more useful than the Russian or Finnish bath. Firstly, there are no as many contraindications to the Turkish bath as to the ones with high temperature of steaming. Secondly, a high humidity level expands the range of beneficial effects of hamam.

Beneficial effects of hamam:

  • Clears and normalizes the sebaceous glands;
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Removes toxins;
  • Accelerates recovery from the diseases of the respiratory system, stronger immune system;
  • Improves health in people with musculoskeletal system disorders;
  • Reduces stress levels, helps to sleep better, combats depression and insomnia;
  • Moisturizes, tightens and improves overall skin condition.

Hamam for skin treatment

In hamam the effect of the cosmetic procedure is many times more intense. Due to a high level of humidity, sensitive skin gets cleared with very little effort, and cleansing of oily skin occurs much deeper; the sebaceous glands get cleared and the sebum secretion restores. Dry skin becomes intensively moisturized, gains elasticity, and appears softer and tighter.

Hamam and rejuvenation

The effect of rejuvenation is achieved by boosting metabolism and cleansing the body of waste products – the toxins.

Turkish bath for blood circulation

The soft steam of the Turkish bath eliminates congestion and swelling. The steam expands blood vessels and capillaries, increases the lymph flow, improves blood circulation, and increases the blood flow from the internal organs. Increased blood circulation makes any congestion and swelling disappear.

The benefits of hamam for respiratory system

The Turkish bath is effective for people who experience respiratory problems on the regular basis. Extended periods of heating on the marble slabs accelerate recovery and strengthen the immune system.

Hamam for joints and musculoskeletal system

The agonizing pains of arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis and muscle strain recede with regular visits to the Turkish bath. A visit to hamam is recommended for athletes to accelerate elimination of lactic acid from the muscles.

Turkish bath for nervous system

Turkish bath is an hours-long pleasure. Physical effects of the heat, the steam, the atmosphere and cosmetic procedures make your body fall into a sweet bliss of pleasure; all problems go away, and your mood improves. Hamam is also recommended for women suffering from migraines.


But despite an endless list of healthy properties and positive effect, visiting hamam, just like visiting any bathhouse, has a few contraindications. And remember that everything is good in moderation. Therefore, we recommend that you follow the instructions of the doctors of “Okzhetpes” health and wellness complex for your safety.


Sauna and its benefits

Saunas and baths have gained popularity due to the fact that after visiting them we feel better, lighter, and younger. Sauna not only makes you feel lighter, but also helps to antagonize a number of diseases and ailments.

Nervous system

The studies have shown that after 10 minutes of sweating in a sauna, the motor response and coordination increase, while a 20-minute session does the opposite. This means that the nervous system is in a relaxed state and triggers recovery processes. On top of that, sauna affects emotions. An important role here belongs to the interior design, organizational details and other additional procedures, and even the company you go to a sauna with.

Cardiovascular system

A sweat session in a sauna triggers a positive reaction of the heart, but when you are in a sauna for a long time, you may experience dizziness and heart palpitations, while in the brain an increased blood flow in vessels occurs.

After a proper sweat session in a sauna, the condition of the cardiovascular system returns to normal, if you make your body relax for 15 minutes.


Thermal effect of sauna reduces the muscle tone and tension in the muscles making them more elastic and softening the connective tissue.


In a sauna, under the influence of heat, breathing quickens and the lung volume increases by an average of 100 ml. If you have flu, and there is sputum in the lungs, sauna will accelerate your recovery. And if you add ester of eucalyptus, pine needles or mint to the steam, such sauna session will have the same effect as inhalation.


In a sauna, the skin temperature can go up to 41-42 degrees and even higher. It activates thermoregulation mechanisms and enhances sweating, blood circulation, skin sensitivity and respiratory activity. All these processes improve the functions of our skin: thermoregulatory, respiratory, protective, tactile, and excretory, which in its turn boosts the function of the internal organs, trains body’s immune system and prevents illnesses.


A person loses weight in a sauna mainly due to moisture loss. The intensity of this process depends on the time spent inside, the temperature and the humidity level, the state of health and individual characteristics of the body. Today, you can find a lot of published expert recommendations on how to lose weight and how to maintain normal weight. The next most effective way to lose weight – after dieting – is sports and sauna.

But as for using sauna, you need to remember that excessive weight loss can be dangerous for your health.

Immune system and prevention of illnesses

A properly done sweat session in a sauna reduces blood pressure in hypertensive patients, improves well-being of those suffering from kidney diseases, and regulates metabolism as well. For treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems, such as osteochondrosis, radiculitis, chronic polyarthritis, a combination of sweat sessions with massage would be effective.

Sauna relieves fatigue, reduces anxiety and improves mood. Due to the fact that many life processes of the body are accelerated in a sauna, healing of injuries of soft tissues and joints occurs sooner.

Take note of how you feel the morning after your sauna session. If you feel light and cheerful, at least lighter and more cheerful than usual, it means that the procedure was done correctly. If your health does not change or changes for the worse, it indicates that you either did something wrong or chose a bad sauna.

Contraindications: some cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, breathing problems, acute diseases, pregnancy, etc.

We strongly recommend that you follow all the instructions of the doctors of “Okzhetpes” health and wellness complex during your sauna sessions to obtain the maximum results.

Infrared sauna

Infrared sauna in “Okzhetpes” health and wellness complex

Infrared sauna is a new type of sauna which has been gaining popularity. On the outside an infrared sauna has little in common with a regular sauna. It is a small cabin equipped with the infrared heaters.

In infrared saunas the heating occurs due to thermal radiation of the infrared heaters. It feels like a soft heat that heats the body itself rather than the air around the body. The heat waves penetrate the body almost 10 times deeper than the heat in a regular Finnish sauna. It causes increased sweating which removes toxins more actively. In a regular steam room the body releases 95% of water and only 5% of waste products. In an infrared sauna there are 4 times more released toxins and fats with the same intensity of perspiration.

The healing effect of the infrared sauna

  • The studies have shown that an infrared sauna has a wide range of benefits for the body:
  • it strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • improves blood circulation and metabolism;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • decreases anxiety, depression, rids of insomnia;
  • improves brain activity and memory due to an increased oxygen flow to the brain;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • restores damaged bones and soft tissues;
  • accelerates removal of lactic acid from the muscles after intensive workouts;
  • eliminates pain symptoms;
  • helps to lose weight and get rid of cellulite;
  • removes skin imperfections: acne, dermatitis, etc .;
  • improves chronic ENT diseases.

Session duration

As we like to say – enough is as good as a feast. Any medical or wellness procedure can do harm, if you use it more than recommended, and the infrared sauna is no exception. The doctors of “Okzhetpes” health and wellness complex recommend staying in the IR (infrared) sauna for no more than 20-30 minutes. If you have problems with cardiovascular or nervous system, the recommended time in the sauna is 5-10 minutes. It is best to have shorter sessions but do them more frequently.



Going to the gym is a highly effective method for prevention of premature aging, strengthening the immune system and just a fun place to spend your pastime actively.

The gym in “Okzhetpes” health and wellness complex is equipped with a volleyball net, mini-football post, baskets for basketball and balls for all of the abovementioned sports. The sports field features markings for various sports.

The dimensions of the gym hall:

  • The length is 38 m.
  • The width is 24 m.

The hall is suitable for corporate teambuilding events and competitions at any time of the year.

Medical procedures

Medical procedures room

In the medical procedures room they take blood for laboratory testing and make various types of injections.

  • intravenous injections – 650 tg.
  • Intramuscular injections – 1 650 tg.



Pantotherapy is a highly effective method that helps to prevent premature aging, strengthens immune system, relieves stress and restores the nervous system, removes toxins from the body, and it is also a powerful natural remedy for combating radiculitis, joint diseases, atherosclerosis, physical fatigue and sexual dysfunction, and heart diseases.

Deer antlers (panto) is a natural product of high biological potency obtained from the spongy substance of the antlers of a young red deer; it is well-known throughout the world and it has been used in the traditional medicine of Southeast Asia for more than 2000 years.

Healthy properties of deer antlers

  • normalizes sleep, increases mental and physical performance after suffering from serious illnesses, as well as asthenia;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • improves the condition of patients with atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, peripheral circulation disorders, osteochondrosis, arthrosis;
  • activates the protective functions of the immune system and the body in general, resistance to colds;
  • improves sexual function (impotence, prostatitis);
  • improves the condition in patients with stress-related diseases (neurosis, neurasthenia, peptic ulcer disease);
  • helps to quickly recover strength and improve the state of the musculoskeletal system;
  • rejuvenates skin and preserves the effect for a long time;
  • It works universally: regardless of the type of person and his initial condition.

This, of course, is not the full list of benefits of pantotherapy for human body, but it is enough to realize how universally therapeutic deer antlers are.

As we mentioned earlier, pantotherapy includes a variety of procedures using the deer antler concentrate. Pantotherapy in any form is the most beneficial if used in an integrated approach.

Pantotherapy in “Okzhetpes” health and wellness complex is recommended for patients with the following illnesses:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system, including infertility;
  • lesions of the skin;
  • nervous system diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, arthritis and sleep disorders;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • digestive system diseases, gastrointestinal tract;
  • surgical interventions;
  • rehabilitation.

In “Okzhetpes” health and wellness complex the pantotherapy is applied in the form of the following procedures:

  • antler baths;
  • antler applications;
  • antler steam room;
  • microclysters with antler solution.

Antler baths in Borovoe

One of the most effective methods of pantotherapy is antler baths – water procedures using the deer antler extract. This is a complex procedure that affects the entire body and helps to recover from serious illnesses.

The effect of antler baths is as follows:

  • rejuvenation and cleansing of the body of toxic accumulations;
  • improving quality of blood;
  • getting rid of nervous and muscle tension;
  • elimination of the manifestations of varicose veins, normalization of the blood pressure;
  • improvement of health in gynecological, dermatological pathologies, diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Awakening of the internal reserves of the body, restoration of physiological functions, an increase in general tone and resistance of the immune system to diseases;
  • slowing down the aging process, boosting metabolism;
  • improving sexual function;
  • lowering blood cholesterol;
  • improving the patient’s condition in case of stress-dependent diseases (occupational neurosis, vegetative-vascular dysfunction, sleeping disorders, decline in physical and mental strength, depression, irritability, peptic ulcer).

Antler steam room

The antler steam room is most often called the antler barrel. This procedure takes place in a wooden barrel – most often cedar – filled with steam. The steam is generated from the antler solution and it activates the biologically active substances contained in the antler extract.

A big advantage of the procedure is that the doctor can supervise and control the concentration of the antler solution. This makes the antler steam room a very subtle and individual method of treatment and rehabilitation.

Treatment in the antler steam room in “Okzhetpes” health and wellness complex in Borovoe brings the following results:

  • eliminates physical and mental overwork;
  • increases the body’s immune defense;
  • eliminates joint pain;
  • slows down the aging process of the body;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • restores potency in men;
  • improves general state in women who go through a menopause.


The procedure is recommended as a part of the mixed therapy for patients with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, peripheral nervous, respiratory and genitourinary systems of non-specific and specific origin in subacute or chronic stages.

The use of the antler solution through microclysters produces the following effect:

  • activates the body’s immunity and increases resistance to infectious diseases;
  • It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, absorbable effect;
  • improves blood circulation of pelvic organs.

The procedure can be used as an addition to antibacterial solutions or as an independent healing method for mild pain.

Microclysters with the antler solution in “Okzhetpes” health and wellness complex in Borovoe are ordered for patients with the following health conditions:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

The procedure is recommended to be carried out daily or every other day. The clinical effect is noticed after 5-6 sessions.

Antler applications

Antler application is a cloth moistened in a warm antler solution. The compress is applied to sore joints, the injured places and other problem areas of the body.

  • 2 350 tg.

Antler bath

Antler bath is a wellness SPA-procedure in which all the beneficial properties accumulated in the antlers penetrate the human body; it results in boosting the immune system, providing better resistance to stress, slowing down the aging process, increasing and normalizing metabolism, healing the reproductive system disorders, joint pain relief; the body gets restored and rejuvenated, while the symptoms of chronic fatigue disappear.

  • 9 750 tg.

Antler steam room

Antler steam room, also known as antler barrel, is a procedure aimed at revitalizing the whole body. It is carried out in a wooden barrel – most often it is a cedar barrel – which gets filled with the steam with an extract from red deer antlers.

  • 6 750 tg.

Microclyster with antler solution

Therapeutic microclyster with antler solution is recommended for some diseases of pelvic organs.

  • 4 100 tg.

Қысқы демалыс

Зимой досуг в ЛОК Окжетпес ничуть не менее разнообразный, чем в летний период. Вот, чем вы можете заняться на отдыхе в нашем лечебно-оздоровительном комплексе:

Это далеко не весь перечень того, чем можно заняться на отдыхе в ЛОК Окжетпес в зимнее время. Обратите внимание, большинство услуг включены в стоимость проживания. Подробнее уточняйте при бронировании или на месте по приезду.

Жазғы демалыс

В летний период досуг в ЛОК Окжетпес очень разнообразный:

И это далеко не весь перечень того, чем можно заняться на отдыхе в ЛОК Окжетпес. Обратите внимание, большинство услуг включены в стоимость. Подробнее уточняйте при бронировании или на месте по приезду.

Балаларға арналған демалыс

Во время отдыха всей семьей важно позаботиться о том, чтобы ребенку не было скучно, иначе полноценно отдохнуть не получится. Поэтому в ЛОК Окжетпес предусмотрены развлечения и досуг для детей:

  • большая детская игровая площадка с горками, лабиринтами, домиками и несколькими видами качелей;
  • детская игровая комната, где есть развивающие игрушки, книжки, домик и качели для малышей, телевизор;
  • аниматоры, программа с играми и конкурсами;
  • интерактивный пол в холле;
  • кинозал, где ежедневно в 17:00 показ мультфильмов;
  • от 3-х лет посещение бассейна;
  • собрание детских книг в библиотеке;
  • соляная шахта для детей.

Приятного отдыха вам и вашим деткам!

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