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An evening dedicated to the display of paintings by famous artists

Yesterday, an evening dedicated to the display of paintings by famous artists of Kazakhstan was held in our sanatorium.
The exhibition was attended by such artists as:
• Alpysbay Kazgulov – artist, holder of the Order “Parasat”, member of the Union of Artists;
• Alzhan Serikpay-khudozhnik, laureate of the State Prize “Madeniyet kairatkeri”;
• Khamo Khamirov – artist, member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan;
• Nodir Bobomuradov is the best artist of Uzbekistan, a member of the Union of Young Artists;
• Dinara Nuger – artist, art critic “Excellent student of culture”;
• Kabikozhaeva Aliya Muratovna – artist, member of the Union of Young Allies of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Everyone could feel like an artist and participate in the master class. The emotions received from seeing the beautiful will warm the hearts of all those present for a long time!

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