Sedentary lifestyle, injuries rapidly have a negative impact on our body. And having a beautiful posture is important not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also to keep health in good condition.
“Healthy spine” is one of the targeted wellness programs in our health and wellness complex “Okzhetpes”.
The program is suitable if you have observed:
* neck, thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis;
* sciatica;
* herniated disks;
deforming arthrosis of the joints;
* neuritis;
* plexites;
* neuralgia.
What effect should I expect?
*pain relief;
*restoration of physical activity;
*prolongation of the remission period.
People suffering from curvature of the spine to relieve pain, as well as increase mobility, it is necessary to lengthen and strengthen the muscles supporting the spine.
We are waiting for you to improve your health! You can get more detailed information by phone +7 702 059 20 20.