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Recuperation of the organism through popularization of national values is the main direction of our sanatorium. In recent years, the management of the sanatorium is also actively implementing the concept of Kazakh Nomad Resort. In a word – return to the roots.

This year within the concept of Kazakh Nomad Resort the sanatorium presents folk medicine. It includes: treatment with natural medicinal herbs, koumiss therapy, relaxation in a yurt. In addition, in the ethno-village on the territory of the sanatorium every Thursday hot baursaks are prepared. A unique attraction for everyone is archery, which allows the player to feel like a real hunter and try to hit the specified target.

“Sanatoriums are located in unique natural corners that allow you to return to relaxation and rest in nature. Borovoye is located in the middle of a spruce forest, historically patients with bronchopulmonary diseases were treated in Borovskiye places. People were sent here for treatment of tuberculosis. Moreover, they were treated with natural factors: spruce air, spruce decoction and koumiss – the pride of Kazakhstan,” said Yakov Sterligov, President of the Okzhetpes medical and recreational complex.

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