Since April 12, a new medical procedure – hirudotherapy has been introduced within the framework of the QAZAQ NOMAD RESORT project.
Hirudotherapy is the oldest method of natural healing of the body with leeches.
In the treatment of live leeches, the main therapeutic effect is associated with forced outflow of blood.
Reducing the filling of blood vessels can reduce blood pressure and improve the patient’s condition.
Usually, patients suffering from joint pathologies turn to hirudotherapy. Leeches are used to treat osteochondrosis of the spine, intervertebral hernias.
Procedures help to relieve pain, reduce muscle tension, reduce the load on the back, prevent complications.
Leeches are installed between the vertebral discs, above and below the affected area. The procedures are combined with massage, taking medications, and a diet recommended by a doctor.
The number of leeches and the period of treatment are prescribed by a hirudotherapist according to the diagnosis and stage of the patient’s illness.
We are waiting for you to improve your health!