The medical and health-improving complex “Ok-Jetpes” has 10 active treatment programs. One of them is the wellness program “Anti-stress”.
Our brain processes a huge flow of different information during 24 hours. Sometimes the excess of news makes the person stop perceiving the data and he/she can suddenly get into information stress. At such moments, we want to take time out to reset.
In the sanatorium “Ok-Jetpes” there are unique health programs aimed at solving specific problems and general improvement of patient’s health.
The duration of a complex health-improving program is 10 days.
If you have:
-chronic fatigue syndrome;
-Vegetovascular dystonia;
-Astheno-neurotic syndrome;
Then you just need to go through this program.
After a wellness program:
-Mood improves;
-Improves efficiency;
-Restores the autonomic nervous system;
-Optimization of work of all organs and systems.
Contacts at the booking department: