Abay Kunanbaev was a great poet, writer, public figure, and the founder of modern Kazakh written literature. He was the first in Kazakh literature to have created poems about the mission of a poet and his poetry (“Poetry is the ruler of the language”). He combined the elements of landscape and love lyrics with philosophical generalizations and educational and humanist ideas. Abay’s artistic innovation manifested itself in refreshing the topic of poetic content. Many poems were written in the form of a lyrical monologue (“Aittym Selem, Kalamkas” – “I am sending my greetings to you, a fine-browed lady”). He celebrated a mother-woman as a supporter of the family. The poem “Kozimnіn Karasi” (“You are the pupil of my eyes”), “Kyzaryp, surlanyp” (“Blushing and turning pale”), “,Fashiktik tyly – tilsiz til” (“The Language of love is a language without words”) shows the power of love , the beauty of a woman. And, of course, he had a great influence on the national culture of the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries.
JSC “Okzhetpes” health and wellness complex hosted an evening dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great Abay Kunanbayev. During the event, our staff introduced their vision of the well-known works of the poet. Our guests didn’t stand on the sidelines either: they sang Abay Kunanbayev’s famous songs, accompanied by accordion.
A book exhibition was organized in honor of the anniversary where the guests of the event could get acquainted with the work of the great writer and submerge into the artistic environment.
With care for your health and with love for you, “Okzhetpes” health and wellness complex!